Saving Lives, one kitten at a time
How to Help
There are lots of ways you can help or get involved in meeting the objectives of this Animal Welfare Charity.
Consider giving some of your time by helping at fundraising events like sausage sizzles or bake sales.
Kitten Supplies
Donations of kitten food, pet milk, cat litter, scratching posts, small toys, bedding, newspaper, and litter trays would be greatly appreciated.
Like us on Facebook
Sharing posts with your friends and followers has huge potential in spreading information far and wide. You never know who you could motivate to adopt a kitten or help reunite a lost pet with its owner.
At work: Hold a ‘casual Friday’ with everyone paying a donation to come in casual dress or make it a theme (bad taste tie day).Run an office appeal collecting donated kitten food or cash donations from your workmates and customers.
At home: Hold a garage sale. You could get everyone on your street involved, encouraging them to donate items & declutter.
At home: Hold a garage sale. You could get everyone on your street involved, encouraging them to donate items & declutter.
If you go to the gym, get friends and family to sponsor you on a treadmill, rowing machine or stepper challenge.
Kids: Hold a ‘bring and buy’ sale at your Guides, Brownies or Scouts Club.Have fun in the sun with a car wash, there are plenty of motorists that want a clean car but don’t want to do it themselves.
At School: Get your school onboard & arrange a themed mufti day.Challenge your teachers in a pupils v teachers sports match, quiz or spelling bee.
Kids: Hold a ‘bring and buy’ sale at your Guides, Brownies or Scouts Club.Have fun in the sun with a car wash, there are plenty of motorists that want a clean car but don’t want to do it themselves.
At School: Get your school onboard & arrange a themed mufti day.Challenge your teachers in a pupils v teachers sports match, quiz or spelling bee.
Choose the Adoption Option
If you’re looking for a kitten to join your family, adopt from The Scratching Post. “Rescue cats” are the best breed.
Monetary Donation
Every donation received no matter how big or small enables us to continue the work we do in the community. 100% of our annual budget is raised through fundraising and donations.
Electronic donations can be made to: Stratford Companion Animal Assistance Trust t/as The Scratching Post, TSB Bank, Stratford, A/C #: 153947 0475088 00. Please enter ‘donation’ in the reference field and if you require a receipt, please email
Electronic donations can be made to: Stratford Companion Animal Assistance Trust t/as The Scratching Post, TSB Bank, Stratford, A/C #: 153947 0475088 00. Please enter ‘donation’ in the reference field and if you require a receipt, please email
Set an Example
Be a responsible pet owner and have your pets desexed. Explain to your children why this is necessary, and encourage others to do the same.
Contact Us
127 Broadway, Stratford, Taranaki
Ph: 027 292 6167
Email Us
Opening Hours: Tuesday 10am - 2pm Thursday 10am - 2pm Friday 10am - 2pm Closed Public Holidays
Opening Hours: Tuesday 10am - 2pm Thursday 10am - 2pm Friday 10am - 2pm Closed Public Holidays
Sponsors & Supporters
We totally rely on the support of the community, volunteers, and business sector.We acknowledge and appreciate past and present businesses & funders for their assistance and support.